Leader: Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH)
The overall aim of WP1 is to develop innovative options for improving dynamic FGR conservation and maintenance of their adaptive potential in the frame of the existing pan-European FGR conservation strategy, using in-situ, ex-situ, as well as combined approaches. The specific objectives of this WP are to:
- Identify populations most potentially endangered by habitat shifts in Europe and previously untapped genetic resources.
- Characterise the European in-situ dynamic conservation network of selected species, particularly focusing on range and ecological margins and in underexplored regions.
- Develop options for the improvement of in-situ dynamic conservation in Europe, identify gaps in the pan-European core network of dynamic conservation units coordinated by EUFORGEN and suggest priorities for establishment of ex-situ conservation.
- Test strategies and methods for monitoring the network of in-situ dynamic genetic conservation units (DCUs) and ex-situ collections, and propose strategies for their implementation in everyday forestry.